Feeding and watering your chillis is a lot easier than you might think as chilli plants are quite hardy.
Chilli plants like the soil to be moist but well drained so to get an idea for how moist the soil is, i usually stick a wooden bbq skewer into the soil and see how damp it comes out.
When watering try not to get water on the leaves or on the bottom of the chilli plant stem, this just helps keep the plant in tip top condition and stops the leaves or stem rotting off.
If the soil does dry out and your plants go droopy or shrivel up, don't panic as there is a good chance that you can resuce them by giving them a good watering and leaving for a few hours.
When your chilli plants start to flower, it's time to start feeding them.
This is one of those cases where different people will tell you different things, i like to use tomato feed and water it down a bit so that its not too strong. I then use this to feed the plants every 3rd or 4th water depending on the weather.
Once your chillis have flowered they will start to fruit, a bit more about fruiting is explained in the growing guide part 6 - harvesting chillis